Bouquet for Valentine's Day - delivery in Lviv - Kvitna

Valentine's Day Bouquet

Valentine's Day Bouquet

For the Valentine's Day and for those who like to give the most beautiful bouquets – we have prepared a sweet offer ❤️: Everyone ordering a bouquet priced from 3500 UAH until Sunday, February 11th (inclusive) will receive a special Sweet surprise (+ free delivery).

And, of course, every bouquet comes with a romantic Valentine's card.

Choose the perfect bouquet for your beloved and we will do everything so that she receives unique emotions. 🌸

Below is a selection of bouquets for Valentine's Day, so you can make it WOW!

❤️ 14.02
❄️ Winter menu
2 200 UAH
(~ 55 USD, ~ 50 EUR)
❤️ 14.02
3 470 UAH
(~ 87 USD, ~ 79 EUR)
💣 Huge
❤️ 14.02
Free delivery!
41 990 UAH
(~ 1050 USD, ~ 954 EUR)
💣 Huge
❤️ 14.02
Free delivery!
23 000 UAH
(~ 575 USD, ~ 523 EUR)
❤️ 14.02
3 490 UAH
(~ 87 USD, ~ 79 EUR)

Замовлення букета в 1 клік

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