Bouquets on Ukrainian songs

Bouquets on Ukrainian songs

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🟨🟦 Ukrainian songs
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3 950 UAH
(~ 99 USD, ~ 90 EUR)
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🟨🟦 Ukrainian songs
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2 800 UAH
(~ 70 USD, ~ 64 EUR)
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7 600 UAH
(~ 190 USD, ~ 173 EUR)

Bouquets on Ukrainian songs

The Ukrainian language is extremely rich and melodious. The words intertwine with the notes to create a song that will be loved by many and sung for years to come, adding yet another treasure to the cultural heritage. If architecture is sometimes said to be music carved in stone, then bouquets can be said to be a song composed of living colors. Bouquets are just as capable of touching the heart as the wonderful songs that inspire our florists.

What flowers are suitable for such bouquets? First of all, those that remind us of our native nature, forests, lakes, steppes, i.e., these are wildflowers such as tanacetum, daisies, centaurea, nigella, delphinium, eringium, various herbs, rubus idaeus (raspberry greenery) and so on. We are also inspired by our summer gardens, so the bouquets include dahlias, cosmea, peonies, roses, gladiolus, antirrhinum, hollyhocks, matthiola and many others.

Bouquets on Ukrainian songs are light and free, they radiate aroma and tenderness, and we advise you to pay attention to our selection of works on this topic.

Замовлення букета в 1 клік

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