Lyudmyla 16.09.2024 - Holidays - Kvitna

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+38 (068) 2960995


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from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. daily


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+38 (032) 2880367

0 800 33 59 65

 Lviv, L. Kurbasa st. 7


When: 16.09.2024

Kvitna has a unique tradition, on a name day we create a name bouquet, which, in the opinion of our creative florists, will be ideal for this name.
Lyudmyla will be delighted, we promise!

Starting from September 1, 2023, the dates of holidays in Ukraine have changed, Lyudmyla is now September 16, instead of September 29.

Make a pre-order for a bouquet in time and get a bonus
Bouquets that are available right now

Bouquets marked as 'Online-Showcase' have just been assembled and are available. They 100% match the photos provided, and most importantly are ready to please the recipient within an hour (if ordered within working hours).

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